Friday, November 27, 2009

Fast Friend Friday - Version 2


I realized I get little wordy in my posts. . . so sorry !!! I will try to keep it short, but you know women, we have a tendency to carry on, and on, and on !!!

My friend Gail . . . where to start . . . I have know Gail for about 3 1/2 years now. We met on the pool deck where both our sets of kids are water logged each day !! We developed a friendship pretty quickly and have enjoyed pretty much the whole 3 1/2 years !! Gail pretty much tells it like it is and that is refreshing !!!! She MEANS no ill will towards anyone, yet sometimes her Jewish ways gets her into pickles . . . get it Gail, pickles !! She is a momma bear through and through but more than just fight for her kids, she spends HOURS worrying about, caring about, dreaming about her kids ! Trying to provide for her kids the best she knows how !!

Gail is not a single parent and has a devoted husband who is a wonderful father, however, his profession keeps him traveling many weeks a month, including weekends, so at times, she is like a single parent !!! Gail is a caring, sharing, open friend who would give you the shirt off her back if you asked her for it !!

Our families have been road trip partners to out of town swim meets, our husbands train, run, ride and swim together, our kids hang out, and even when not associated with swimming, we may take a day trip to Valley of Fire, or Red Rock for a hike !! Good people, Good family, GREAT friend !!!

We got to spend Thanksgiving at Gail's house this year, and this little story will tell you how comfortable I am with her. First, we were about 1 1/2 hours late - Sauerbrei time is what I call it !!! Then, I made 'fried pickles' as appetizers - - not so much traditional, but good none the less !! We had probably the most moist bird I have EVER eaten - thanks Scott for the deep fried masterpiece - - and the best all around dinner in years !!! Her brother and sister were there, AND she invited our dogs to come hang out with their sister (her dog) for the day !!! Extra brownie points on that one Gail !! But then, we all adjourn to the living room, and we are flippin' through all the ads for "Black Friday" and I proceed to curl up in a little ball and take a 1 hour nap in the middle of everything !!! That is when you know you are comfortable at a friends, when your friend makes you FEEL comfortable and welcome, and when you can say . . . Gail, you are my friend !!!

I love you, I stand by you, I am proud to say . . . YOU ARE A SIDEKICK and I am in good company !!!

Life is Good . . . .

Thursday, November 26, 2009

For My Mom on Thanksgiving


What Thanksgiving means to me. . .

Growing up in a non practicing religious family, Thanksgiving was our "BIG" holiday. Now, I didn't grow up with a big immediate family, I have my folks and my brother. But we have a large extended family, lots of aunts, uncles and cousins. Our extended family tried each year to get together on Turkey Day. Whether it was at Aunt Marcella's in Twain Harte, Cousin Marianne's in Pacifica, or Aunt Lovie & Uncle Dave's ( My Folks ) in Half Moon Bay, Oakhurst, Grass Valley, or Nipomo - - hey, why did my family move so much !! Another story for another day. . .

Over the years, the tradition has carried on, somethings the holiday gathers 25 people, other times 100 people. Depends on the year, the location, the economy, the illness (unfortunately), and other circumstances like births, marriages, divorces. And as my Aunts and other relatives are getting older, it is getting harder to travel. But overall, it is a great time for family to get together !!

This year, my cousin Rachel is getting married in Mexico next week, and lots of family are traveling to see her become Mrs. Serano. I unfortunately, will not be able to attend, as a small little event called the NV State Championship Swim Meet will be happening at the same time !!! But what that means is, no one in the family really wants to travel anywhere - or can afford to travel - because they are all traveling next week. . . . .

So the Dozier extended family is not gathering this year . . . I am sad !! Because in addition to that, the Sauerbrei's will not be traveling either. My good friend Gini, who I wrote about a few posts ago, asked awhile ago if it would be cool that a few friends got together and shared Thanksgiving and could be "thankful" for friends. I said You Betcha !!! See, she will be moving soon and we just wanted to share one more day laughing and smiling !!! A lot has happened since she asked that, and I think it is more important than ever that this day be filled with just that. . . love and laughter !!!!

But that brings me back to MY family. . . who I love so much !!! The ones that are going to be here after my friend leaves. Mom, thank you for understanding . . . thank you for sharing today. . . that you for driving over next week to see Michael Phelps and Dana Torres - - I mean Sammy and Abby - - swim in the State Meet . . . thank you for understand my brother's wife is, well my brothers wife . . . thank you for teaching me "Grandma Harley's Sage and Wild Rice Stuffing" so that I never feel far away on holidays and You Betcha I am making it today, even with a Jewish family (half won't have sausage) . . . thank you to my Dad, Ol' Slo Dave, who will be there today for my mom as she sheds a tear . . . please love her today more than usual . . . she has a big heart, sometimes just is afraid to show it . . . I am thankful my mom now has 4 crazy kittens that she can chase around all day and keep her mind occupied . . . THANK YOU MOM, for letting my have this one Turkey Day, with a friend, a fried who loves your daughter for who she is - - flaws and all, who loves your grandkids, who I entrust with your grandkids, who screams at the top of her lungs for your grandkids and is the first one to go up to your grandkids when they have had an awesome race and say "great swim" and wink a wink that only the kids understand - - Mom, I may never see this friend again, I may never talk to this friend again, but I will always love this friend, I will always cheerish this friend, and Mom, you taught me how to do that . . . THANK YOU !!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone - - - Love, Laughter and not too much pumpkin pie !!!

Life is Good . . . .

Sunday, November 22, 2009


THE WORLD'S TOUGHEST TRIATHLON . . as quoted by THE MAN, Dave Scott !!!


A Sunday in the life of the Sauerbrei's . . . . Sunday, November 8th. . . the Sauerbrei family starts their day at 5 am, getting ready, along with 100 of their closest friends to become SILVERMAN . . . ha ha hee hee, VOLUNTEERS that is !!

The Silverman Triathlon is in their 5th year, and Frank Lowery (Race Director), we consider a friend. He supports the swim team, he supports the youth triathlon movement by hosting youth tri's and he is the one that got Sammy into swimming !! (THANKS FRANK) !! So BCH Parent Booster Club, lead by yours truly and her trusted Steed (Stud) Tom, lead the group of swim friends, swim kids, swim families, non-swim families, non-swim friends, and non-swim kids ! 100 people came out to help in two hour shift - - 100 people !!! From 10 am to 10 pm, I saw faces with smiles, I got hugs, I got laughter, I got friendship !! 100 people who support athletes, who support friendship, who support family, who support community !!! I tell you what, it was an outdoor, all day party !! What a good time !! Her is my favorite girl, ready to rock and roll before anyone came through. . . .

It was an amazing day. . .

Some liked to be close to the action . . . (um, aren't they standing on a wall ???)

Others just like to ham it up !!!!

We did this for Coach Bob Swift. A BCH Swim Coach for over, geez, I don't know how many years, maybe 10 !! He is an amazing man. Just short of 60, he has done this race all 5 years !! The kids were sssssoooooo excited to see him !! Our booth had about 6 signs, all saying GO TRI GATOR (his nickname), GO COACH BOB !! He did not have a very good day this day, but he knows he was supported by HIS team, HIS swimmers, HIS friends, HIS community !!! Bob, we are proud of you !!

I felt good this day. I felt good because one, I gave back. I gave back to strangers who were doing something I will never do, who were pushing themselves to a level I will never know and I can only dream about. I did exercise this day. . . I ran up the hill once to chase a wheelchair athlete who wanted a banana but one of our kids didn't peel it in time, and I ran up the hill once when guy wanted some soda but he dropped it before he could drink it . . so I think I ran maybe 200 yards. . . but I SPRINTED !!!! And then I passed out on the ground !!!!

No one reads my silly little blog, and it doesn't bother me . . . . I love life, I LOVE MY FRIENDS AND MY FAMILY, I support those things around me . . IN DIFFICULT TIMES and in the best of times !!! If that means giving up a Sunday, to get up at 5 am, to stand of the side of Horizon Ridge Road, to have no less than 4 of my coworkers see me with a bright neon yellow shirt, funny bobber ear things, red, white and blue necklaces, screaming for strangers (and Bob) as they pass through my station, so be it !!

My friend Kyle brought me, Tom and Henry hot cocoa at 9 pm because he thought we would be cold !! A 17 year old kid brought ME, he thougth of ME, cocoa. . . that made the whole day worth it !!!! Small things people, it is about the small things !!!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

FRIENDS . . . . .

I am proclaiming all Fridays as . . . drum roll . . . . FAST FRIEND FRIDAY !!!! This is going to be my little tribute to friends, near, dear, far, in my heart, making my heart happy, making my heart sad . . . . I think we all need to remind people how much they mean to us from time to time, it makes them feel good, it makes us feel good . . . and we all need to feel better. . . right. . . . SO. . FAST FRIEND FRIDAY version 1 . . . .

Yep, these are two of my friends, my dear friends, friends I love, friends I don't nearly spend enough time with, friends who really know me, friends who really CARE about ME, care about my family . . . . let me share. . . .

On the left is Sharon Drake Pope. . . The Popester as I call her . . . we met in mid-2000 as she one of the original crew members at the Embassy Suites that we opened together !! Immediately, Sharon and I had a bond, we didn't know why, but we did. . . . well. . . I tell you why. . . we lived parallel lives !!! Both lived in San Luis Obispo, and for those of you who don't know, you always bond with anyone from SLO immediately, it is just some unspoken thing, our fathers both worked their lifetimes for PG&E - which inturn made us PG&E brats - and we both moved to Vegas on our own with no family !!! Over the last 9 years, I have gotten to see Sharon start her wonderful family with Hayleigh and Logan, we have SHARED so many hours discussing anxiety issues with kids and I have tried to help her with the little wisdom I have !! Sharon. . . I say this loud and proud - - SHE LOVES MY KIDS !!! There is something about her. . . Sammy LOVES Sharon. Sharon has taken them on occasion for the day or afternoon when I have to be stuck being a "bad" mom (working) and I kid you not, Sammy will tell me stories for MONTHS after that . . . I think that most important thing is she treats him as a friend . . . not as a child . . . Sammy respects that, I LOVE SHARON FOR THAT !! Let me say this. . I LOVE SHARON !!!

Shannon Don Owen Bernard is on the right - - Oh Shannon !!! I met Shannon in 1999, OMG 10 years ago, while interview for the Embassy Suites job. I will tell you this honestly, it took some time for Shannon and I to bond. . . Shannon is VERY quiet - - well atleast she likes people to think so !!! She doesn't share easily, more like she doesn't like to burden - - but I taught her it isn't a burden, it is a gift, a gift that friends share !! Over the years, I think I spend more time in Shannon's office than my own. I have cried many tears in her office, tears of laughter - - oh god, I remember laughing so hard we would cry and our GM Duane would start in too and the whole office would be in tear - - tears of sadness, tears of frustrations, tears of joy !!! Shannon listened to EVERY SINGLE WORD I ever needed to say about my kids !!! Shannon is a lifelong Vegas local, and her family welcomed me as one of their own !! Her mom and sisters called me sister and kid - - and would always ask Shannon where their other sister was !!! When Shannon was late to work one day, and didn't tell me where she was going to be - - I spend 2 hours calling her family, hospitals, the police, highway patrol - - then she comes walking in and I wouldn't talk to her all day !!!! I share with you this true friendship story . . . after my colonoscopy 2 years ago, Shannon was the friend that picked me up from the hospital, the friend that came into recover and heard my diagnoises (won't share here sorry), my friend who heard me pass gas for 1 full hour - hey, they pump you full of air to get a good look - my friend who tucked me in my bed at home - - THAT IS A FRIEND IN DEED !!!

These two friends of mine came out to an event that I was organizing, The Silverman Triathlon Aid Station #3 on the run course. It was hosted by the BCH Swim Team Parent Booster Club. These friends don't have kids that swim . . . these friends came out to support ME . . . it meant the world to me . . . they came for me . . . they took 3 hours out of their Sunday afternoon - usually family day - - to pass out gatorade, water, and gels to people they didn't know. . . .for me !!!! And they wore those cute head bobber things just for me !!! THANK YOU !! Thank you for supporting me, thank you for loving me, thank you for being you, and thank you for the priviledge of me saying. . . YOU BOTH ARE MY FRIEND !!!

I share with you these thoughts today because I have decided that life is busy, life is crazy, life makes you selfish. I think I am pretty good at telling my friends they are special, I am not so good about making time for them. And some people never know why they are special, never know that these little acts mean so very much to me !!! I want people to know why they are special . . FAST FRIEND FRIDAY . . . yep, that is what it is from now on !!!

Life is Good. . . .

Monday, November 16, 2009

A Yummy Little Buddy or Two . . .

My little men but they don't belong to me !!! I like going to my friends - kids sporting events !! We always go to swim meet, I always cheer everyone I can . . . but to take the time, to go out of your way to a ball field you aren't familiar with, to cheer on your friends kids. . . I don't know, it warms my heart !! I got to go see my little buddy Jake Hubel go 3 for 4 in the Championship baseball game a few weeks ago, he pitched 3 incredible innings, made two incredible, circus like catches in center field, and the whole time . . . SMILE because me, Sammy and Abby were watching !!!!

Now enter the latest visit to an unfamiliar field. . . . .

Oh wait. . . there is no sporting event on his one. . . his is my yummy, little buddy. . . GARRIN !!! Garrin loves Trish and if you ask him who he loves. . . as long as his mom is not around . . . he will say Garrin loves Trish !!! Garrin was loving his grapes in this one. . . he was saying, Trish, put that camera down, I want some more grapes !!!! Garrin makes my heart warm, Garrin makes me smile silly everytime I see him, Garrin makes me hug him and run to him when I see him, Garrin gives me kisses good-bye and better yet, kisses hello !! Garrin, my little yummy man, I say this to you. . . TRISH LOVES GARRIN !!!!

OK . . here is my killer sportsman !!! Conner, the soccer man !!! He plays for the Scorpions, his team for years was undefeated years even when playing up one level, this 9 year old has AMAZING feet. . . I don't know much about soccer, but I do know this kid has amazing ball handling skills !!! Crazy good !!! I have known him for about 4 years now, and this was my first weekend to watch him. . . I wish I would have made the effort to see him more !!!

And I wish I would have had my good camera this day. . . check out this shot !! Amazing !!! The kid can kick the ball a mile and a half !!! Up close, amazing shot, but blurry as hell !!! I would say next time, but I don't think there will be a next time. . . .

See my amazing two boys, who aren't mine, are moving away. . . far, far away. . .like to a state I have never been too. . . somewhere by CT, or MA, or NH or something up there in that New England territory !! My friend Gini told me awhile ago, that the Herbst family was leaving. At first I was VERY sad, then very quiet, then very content, then angry, and now sad again. Sad not because they were leaving because this is the BEST move, for the right reasons, at the right time, to be a family, with family. No, I was sad for me. . . selfish, I know, but still, honest !! Sad I was losing a funny friend who could laugh at herself, who could say she needed to get over herself, who loves her family more than life, and someone who I wish I had many more years to be close to !!!! Sad because these two little men, who aren't mine, are going to be away . . . . .

I made a bucket list in my mind. . . on the top of that list . . . to see Conner play soccer !!! I am glad I got to do that. . . I am glad I got to see him in his soccer element . . . I am glad he has so much passion, that tears come down his cheeks when he gets frustrated. . . . I am glad he can laugh at himself, because who else can you laugh at if you can't laugh at yourself !!!! I am glad I got to see his dad, so proud, coaching him, teaching him, instructing him, encouraging him !!! Conner, you are ROCK STAR, please never forget that !!!

AND . . . . .

I am glad this little man finished his grapes !!!

Life is Good. . . . .

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Not So New Car . . . . . ugh . . .

Old Bessy. . . the box . . . the yucky old car. . . yep the ol' 2000 Ford Explorer with 145,200 miles on it when we traded it in just over 60 days ago. . . .

It really doesn't look that bad on the outside. . . NO crashes, I think the worse thing is it had two scratches on the wheel well from a shopping cart !! Now, on the inside, that is a different story !! It was gross. . . it has almost 8 years of Sauerbrei kids food, drinks, dirt, grass, spills, messes, melted crayons, old french fries, money, hair clips, you name it, it was under those seats and in the floor mats. And mechancially, it was gone. . . it needed about $5k worth of work and we just put $5k in 2 years ago, so . . . . it was time. . . . . enter Miss Acadia . . . .

She is a beauty !!!! This was a long, LONG, sought out purchase. We first test drove one in January. . . yes folks January !!! That's now unbelieveably scared I was to get a new car . . . not the new car, the new car payment !!! We decided on the Acadia after that first test drive, but were slow to pull the trigger !! But we finally did it. . . . and boy does she drive wonderful !!!

BUT . . . . I guess she doesn't brake very well !!!!

OUCH . . . .

SHIT !!!!


Ok, super long story, but her is the short version. Dropped kids off in Boulder City for school, heading to work, got to a very tricky part of the interstate (remember I said interstate), when heavy traffic was merging, I was paying close attention to the merge, looked in the rear view mirror to check to ensure the guy cleared me, when I looked back, the traffic was STOPPED in the slow lane. The guy in front of me lit them up and skidded sideways into the shoulder, I slammed on the brakes and went to the left. . . . well. . . .6" more and it would have just been a good story for a week or so. . . I tagged the 2nd car in front of me. So I pull over, hit my OnStar, curse like a truck driver, and then look ahead .. . . about 1/2 mile down the road. . . where animal control was in the shoulder with its lights on. Then I look again, and I see no less than 5 --FIVE -- people STOPPED in the slow lane and OUT OF THEIR CARS trying to help a dog on the freeway !!! Again, remember, INTERSTATE HIGHWAY, STOPPED IN SLOW LANE, OUT OF CARS !!! What the heck are people thinking. . . . probably the same thing as me. . . since when I pulled over, I opened my passenger door to call the doggie to try and get him in my car so that he didn't get hit by a car !!! Dog looked at me and laughed. . .yes he laughed !!!

So . . .animal control came back to the scene when the highway patrol was there and gave a statement . . . the guy I hit was totally cool, the NV Highway Patrol gave me a nice long lecture about controlling my vehicle, following too closely, and safe distance between vehicles, BUT he didn't give me a ticket. . . . ONE BLESSING. . . well, two blessings. . . . I wasn't hurt and either was anyone else. . . .and the dog. . . he got off the freeway just fine . . . on his own time . . .still laughing at me !!!

I drive a piece of crap car for 8 years, another car before that for 4 and then before that for 4 and NEVER an incident. . . . I get my first new car that I have ever purchased myself and bam, less than 90 days later - - because no, it hasn't even been registered yet - - - it is crashed !!!!

Life is Good . . . . .

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


This is where I would like to be right now. . . .with the sand between my toes, the water crashing around, maybe a kid on a surfboard or two. . . but right now . . . all I can think of is . . . . I AM 42 YEARS OLD !!
For those of you who can't quite get the visual there. . . here it is in words . . .
f-o-r-t-y t-w-o !!

And for those sports minded freaks. . . . red 42, circled in blue . . . I think there is something significant about the number, but don't know what it is . . . all I know is I am 42 !!!

And because I live in VEGAS BABY . . . I give you the Bingo number 42 . . . I think it is in the N column, someone check that please and get back to me would ya . . . . .

42 - forty-two, the number 4 and then 2 !!!!
Life is good. . . . .

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween . . . are we getting too old ????

You know it might be time to call it quits when you son doesn't wear a costume anymore. . . he just throws on a funny wig, his aviator glasses, grabs a pillow case and calls it good to go !!! Abby on the other hand still wants to dress up, still knows the Great Pumpkin comes to our house in 3 days and takes all the candy she hasn't eaten and gives it to the children who couldn't get any !!!

We had a great time cruisin' the neighborhoods of Boulder City with the Smith Family !!! Then we visited the Hubels to watch a movie . . . . well, to take a nap before driving home actually !!! Tom stayed home to hand out candy . . . and proceeded to get drunk with the neighbors !!! Gotta love those text messages . . . I'm on shot #3 . . . next one, I am officially drunk !!!

Life is good on the fall back November 1st. . . . .