Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Results . . . and Cheering Section


Yes, yes he is, yes he did !!

And the greatest part . . . Grandma Beach was here from her travels to see it all !! She was funny - - she stood front and center for each night finals - 2 hours of swimming - making sure she had front row for her boy !! She stood next to me when I lost my voice, when I lost my marbles, when I peed myself (sorry TMI), when I turned around so fast to jump for joy that I whacked a guy in the head that was behind me !!! Sammy was happy Grandma was there. . . .

And then . . guess what. . . Grandma and Papa Harley were there too !! They had a golf tournament that weekend and Grandma came three days and Papa saw two days !! Funny story, Sam never told me what his goals were for the State meet. We just talked about where I thought he should finish each race and Tom and I both said how proud we would be if he won 1 event, just 1, to say hey, I am State Champion in the 100 Fly, which we thought he would win. He was like, ok. Well at the meet, after his coach said that shitty thing to him. . . he looked at his Grandpa and said, I am gonna win it all !!! Grandpa was like, ok Sam (wink,,wink) you go for it. And no one was more proud of Sam than grandpa who said, that kid had a goal and he went for it !!!

And his best female friend - Alex - she got runner up high point for 11-12 girls and they were all smiles !!!

Great Job Abby !!! Great Job Sammy !!! This is something not everyone can say . . . You are the State Champion for 2009 !!!! Cheerish it and continue to work hard !!!

Love you Bud - - Love you sweet girl Abs !!!

Life is good . . . . .

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