Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Well Hello February . . . .

Where did January go. . . yes I am here, yes I am alive, yes I am well !! Just checking in for a second !! I thought that keeping up a blog would be REALLY easy, like how hard is it to write down some words, share some photos, and brag about your kids - - - HELLO, McFly, harder than you think !!

I think I get overwhelmed with all the ideas I have in my head for "great" posts or "great" photos !!! I follow a blog that is beyond perfection - photos, stories, humor . . but she is a professional !!! I follow another blog that is amazing in all aspects. . but she has been doing it for almost 2 years !! I need to chill - - I am new at this, I need to take one step at a time, one post at a time, and remember that friends and family are seeing this and want to enjoy my kids - - - like I enjoy my kids !!!!

So stay turned. . . I am on my way again . . . I will recap the State Meet . . . I will recap the move to a new pool . . . I will recap Fast Friend Friday (my goal this week to get that one posted) . . . I will recap the coldest, wettest swim meet we have ever gone to all in the name of Abby . . . and I will recap the Junior Olympics which just occurred !!!

So thanks for visiting. . . I will update soon. . . I will NOT be overwhelmed and I will enjoy the ride !!

Life is Good . . . .

1 comment:

Gini said...

Ok - so holy crap. I was getting ready to write on your FB - WHERE THE HECK IS A BLOG POST??? No, seriously, I was!!! Check out this blog.....

I've been reading her for quite a while....just goes to show you - it doesn't matter how often you blog, it's what you say when you actually do write...

Love ya!